Hey, guys!
Not much visual going on here, but I wanted to tell you that I sorta re-stumbled upon an awesome exfoliator: coffee grounds!
This is no stranger to naturals and beauty blog hunters out there on this great big internet many of us call a second home, but I decided to re-try this for myself. I first found out about it when I saw Michelle Phan use it as a cellulite scrub. I tried it... didn't like the greasy oily feeling; I ditched it.
Fast forward to last Friday. I decided on a whim to scrub my arms and hands with leftover coffee grounds.
It worked really well, and my arms felt tingly, in a good way. I told two my co-workers about it, even mentioning the Michelle Phan video. One of my co-workers and I even discussed possible ways the scrub could be used!
In closing, use coffee as a beautifier. In any way possible. There are several websites out there with instructions!
How do you use coffee???
I go through life, and experience different things in different ways. Please feel more than free to read, why don't you? ^_^
Monday, July 27, 2015
Thursday, July 16, 2015
My Experience With... Meeting Priscilla Shirer
Okay, some of you may be going, “Who?” Please, just bear
with me. This was an exciting time. And for those of you who know who Beth
Moore is, you probably know who Priscilla Shirer is, too. And those of you who
actually know and love Priscilla Shirer, you may be screaming right now.
Priscilla Shirer is one of my favorite Women's Bible Study
leaders. I've used her One in a Million and Gideon studies, and
she's AMAZING. It's right on my level, and she gets to the point. When I first
learned that she's the daughter of preacher Dr. Tony Evans, I kinda did a
double-take. Nothing against Dr. Evans, and all, but.... she's so sedate!
If you don't know who Dr. Evans preaches, here's a sample:
And now, Priscilla Shirer.
You see how I made the comparison, right?
Now, this is where the cool part comes in. For those of you
who know what War Room is, she's the lead female in the movie. For the
rest of you... have you heard of Facing the Giants or Courageous?
The people who made those movies have made their fifth movie, War Room.
And I can hardly wait to see it. Here's the official trailer:
I learned that they needed extras in that move, and lo and
behold, it's right smack dab near where I live! Coincidence? Some might say. I
call it providence!
By the way.... if you've never been in a movie... it is not
all glitz and glamour at all.... and it is DEFINITELY not theatre! I would say
the hardest part for me was when they said in the first scene they shot, “DON'T
LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE CAMERA!” Crud. There's a humongous camera about ten
feet away from me, with nothing to visually obstruct it. Yes, I'm in the movie,
just hold your horses.
I saw Priscilla Shirer's hairstyle in the first scene... IT
WAS SO GORGEOUS! That plus the fact that she was in the same room as I was made
my adrenaline rush crazier than Fury 325 and the Intimidator combined! It was
all a dream... a long, two-day dream, but hey, at least it wasn't a
On the second (and last) day of shooting, I said goodbye to
the people I'd connected with, and went outside... I'd noticed that I'd gotten
a voicemail. At that time, I was job hunting, and it was a notification from a
temp agency for a possible assignment. It didn't happen, by the way.
In any case, about 10 yards from me, there was Priscilla
Shirer! She was just sitting by herself, talking on her cell phone! I felt like
I was in a book, the scenario was just too perfect! I'm using a lot of
exclamation points here!!! I waited until she ended her call (no, I'm not a
stalker), then shyly walked up to her. I'd already taken a picture with T.C.
Stallings, the star of the movie (AMAZING athlete, by the way), so I'd figured,
why not seize the moment with the lead female / author of cool Bible Study
workbooks? I shyly walked up to her, working over the conversation in my mind.
“Um, hello?”
Yes. That was the opening line I chose.
I ended up fumbling through my sentences, telling her I
liked her Bible studies, and then telling her about the fact that I had a call
for a possible job opportunity. She was very pleasant to talk to, and I'm not
exactly sure what she said, but it was encouraging and sincere.
Then, the blurt happened.
“You wanna take a selfie?”
. . .
Okay. Speech... never my thing. Not talking to people
personally. Despite the fact that I am slightly extroverted. I'm either
awkwardly reserved, or awkwardly bold. Unless I know you very well. Even still.
This was only last year, and I'm in my 20s. You'd think I'd have this
one-on-one socializng thing pegged! Why are sentences in this paragraph so
You have no idea how happy I was when she agreed to it!
Well, what did I expect, she was totally cool!
I looked at the picture on my phone, and my eyes widened. If
I didn't know any better, I could've sworn we were somehow related! Priscilla
Shirer, if you're reading this, please don't get offended by that remark, it
was seriously the first thing that came to my mind. My mother said that we
actually did look almost related, so I'm glad I wasn't the only person who
thought that.
Anyway, that's how I met Priscilla Shirer. Boy, I can
imagine the conversation she had with her family and Beth Moore after that
little incident....
Oh, and I did take a picture with the Kendrick brothers.
They're really swell people, you know?
This is definitely not my only “I-met-someone-famous”
scenario. There will be more... in due time.
What's your awkward meeting-someone-famous story? Even if
he/she/it/they is/are only obscurely famous? Who would you like to meet? What
would you do if you got a chance to spend time with them?
You know what, I'd like to answer one of these questions,
myself, since it looks like such fun!
Q: What would you do if you got a chance to spend time with
[someone famous]?
A: I'd do a duet with Josh Groban, a song with Rhett &
Link, and sing “I 2 I” with Bruno Mars. There, I said it. Oh, and have a jam
session and arcade hangout with Stevie Brock. You have NO idea the crush I had
on him way back when.
Oh, alright. Here's the video I'm in... It's really easy to spot me. Just don't blink. :-)
Saturday, July 11, 2015
My Experience With... Riding the Fury 325.
<iframe width="635" height="500" src="http://player.theplatform.com/p/2E2eJC/nbcNewsOffsite?guid=nn_tib_fury_coaster_150325" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Take a Ride on the Fury 325, the World's Tallest Giga-Coaster
The 6,600 foot long adrenaline rush at Carowinds Amusement Park rises 325 feet in the sky and reaches speeds up to 95 miles per hour.
Yup. I rode it. Totally rode it. Three times. Since seeing it first from that Lester Holt report on it (which should show up above -- if it doesn't, oh well), I debated whether I should risk my brain or life on the world's tallest coaster. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE roller coasters. I must have ridden the Intimidator over 40 or 50 times within the past four years, most of those times in the front seats! Anyway, I went to Carowinds with my family and friends, and the first ride I got on was the Fury. I was determined to go on it. Unfortunately, (and this is the one major bummer), I couldn't request to go on the front row. So, no. I have not statistically gone on enough times to get into the front row. I'll update you on that when I do.
For the most part, it was a pretty mild ride! The most intense part was going up / coming down the first time. First of all, it took FOREVER to get to the top. I was dying with anticipation. When I looked over the top (I was closer to the front), I knew there was definitely no going back. I held on to my seat security -- basically a sturdy plastic triangle holding in your core -- for dear life. I couldn't even scream until I was nearly level! What a rush! The rest of the ride was moderately comparable to the Intimidator, but more stretched out. This ride was definitely engineered more for speed than for G-force thrills. Then again, I suppose that's what the Cobra's for, provided you don't pass out on the ride. Yes, my friend told me that I actually passed out the second time I was on the Cobra. I gotta be careful on that thing... I always feel like I'm in a VCR! Anyway, Fury : Intimidator as Driving 70 mph on a highway with few curves : Driving 50 mph on a winding, more rural-esque road.
So, if you're not terribly affected by vertigo or motion sickness, by all means, go for the Fury.
...And watch out when you step out of the ride. It's like trying to get your land legs back after experiencing the 70s.
What was your favorite roller coaster ride? What was your worst amusement park experience? Do you not like amusement parks? Why or Why not? (Okay, sounding like a 3rd Grade EOG question...)
Friday, July 3, 2015
My Experience With... The First and Only Time I (Sorta, Kinda) Asked a Guy Out / Went to a Sadie Hawkins Dance
I know that was a long-behind title, but trust me,
they go hand in hand.
My college decided to have a Sadie Hawkins dance one year. I
talked about it with some co-workers at an on-campus department. They asked me
who I was going with.
Why did I open my big mouth?
I told them that I didn't have a date, that I had planned to
go by myself, just so I could have an excuse to go dancing, and that I'd never
even asked a guy out, let alone been on a date. To be perfectly honest, I
probably would've asked one guy friend, but he told me that he's got a
“surgically altered right foot.” His words. Not mine.
Well, that little confession led to how on earth I'd
never dated, and what do I look for in a man. I asked them back, “Do you mean
primary or secondary characteristics?” No, seriously, I had a decent list as to
what I looked for in a guy, primary characteristics being about the actual
person, and secondary characteristics being bonus attributes (looks, etc.).
Yeah. That helped. They decided to help me find someone to ask to the dance.
Eventually, one guy came in that we helped. (It was a slow day.) When they said
that he seemed like a nice guy, I told them that he was actually one of my
classmates. They then forced encouraged me to follow the guy and ask
him. They even had one girl go with me as a wingwoman. As soon as we got to
him, that little so-and-so bailed.
So there I was, facing my biggest challenge to date. I
decided to use a diplomatic business approach. I asked him if he was going to
the dance at all. I figured if he wasn't, I was off the hook, and I seemed like
some girl who was merely advertising for the dance. He did say that he'd heard
of it, but it wasn't his thing. He apologized, and I told him it was alright. I
breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Never again, I thought. I hadn't even
told my mother until, like, last week. But yeah, not only had I never asked a
guy out again, I realized just how awkward it was for guys to ask girls out,
and I figured talking to a guy I actually liked would be just as hard.
So yeah. Still never been on a date, but I'm just glad I got that experience
out of the way during my college years. Can you imagine doing that in post-grad
world? Yikes. If you're reading this and you have, I apologize.
The night of the dance (it had actually been postponed)
finally came, and I went in hoping to dance my shoes off.
Most boring event I had ever witnessed.
For one thing, it was mostly couples' dances, and the ones who weren't paired off were the committee, and they weren't even dancing. On top of that, I think it only lasted about 90 minutes, tops! The upside was that I got to see my accounting professor and her husband out-dance all the other couples (all five of them) there.
And now that is the reason I dislike the Relient K
song even more. Sorry, guys. Nothing against you as people. If it's any
consolation, I do like “Foreverandever etc.” Even the video, strange as it was.
What's your worst dance / dating experience?
*** P.S. I just realized that I mentioned a David Crowder Band song instead of a Relient K song.... MegaFail. I guess my brain couldn't tell the two apart. Does anybody know any good Relient K songs... what's your fave?
My Experience With... Dr. Mario
Just found out recently that Dr. Mario is officially turning
25 years old July 27! And what better way to celebrate it than to talk about it
in a blog! It's not like I can throw a party for it.
First of all, the flipping title screen is enough to give
one the Serious Nostalgia Feels. Dr. Mario and that little blue virus, 8-bit violins, slightly Caribbean beat, A
major.... ahh.
You can choose one of two modes. One-player or two-player.
Being an only child, playing two-player mode was a bummer. Mom played Dr. Mario
a lot, but I don't think we've ever played 2-player mode.
Anyway, I usually started at level 00 as a child, stopping
around level 5, as I deemed it too challenging for my young mind. I guess I was
a teenager when I stopped playing it for awhile. After many movings and
re-discoverings, I saw it again. I wondered how in the world we still had that
game even though it was broken. You see, the version we originally had was
played so much, and jammed and blown upon so many times in the bottom, that the
inner cartridge had actually shifted, making it impossible to play... unless
you like a jacked-up pixellated screen from time to time. I looked in the
bottom and realized that we'd actually purchased a replacement. I put it into the NES console,
and after a few jiggles and
readjustments (hey, I still prefer it to the Wii), I got that beautiful 8-bit
theme playing with a clear screen.
There are 3 music options for the game: Fever, Chill, and
Off. First of all, playing it on “Off” is kind of a waste of time. It feels
weird to me... but that's how I'm wired. Chill is pretty sweet. I like how I
feel as though I'm playing with stealth as I try to kill the evil (and slightly
cute) viruses. Fever, however, is the household favorite.
Also, I almost always play on Low speed. I know that it
gives me only one cut scene (completion of level 20), but I never quite
developed the reflexes to master Medium speed, let alone Fast speed. Also, I
don't play all 20 levels straight through. Firstly, it's complete madness to
play the game straight through. Mom pointed this out, and I fully agree: There's
no point to the game. Honestly, it's just a weird version of Tetris, using
a beloved licensed character with a bleach job and a doctor's costume. He
doesn't even do anything! Unless you count throwing 6 different
combinations of 2 colors (9 if you count reverses), shaped like pills to get 4+
in a horizontal or vertical row!
Seriously, those things still creep me out.
And even when that happens, he just looks at you with this
dumb, “I can't do anything,” face. Seriously, dude, you're Mario! No
power-ups? No little star? No... anything related to your other games?
So yeah, as a game.... not the most complex. I think the old
Tetris game (which I'll write about in another review), had more of a point to
it. And Mario makes a cameo appearance in the game, and that
showed more purpose.
Usually, I play to relieve myself of stress, or when I feel
inspired to sketch something out, and I need something to break my mind away
from brain barfing on pages. I either start at 00 and keep going until I feel
like I'm losing brain cells, or I start at level 20, and keep going from there.
I have no idea if there is a “final level.”
Why do I play it? It's a game of my generation. It's the
nostalgia. It's the memories attached to it. It's so simple. And yes, if I had
children, I'd let them play it.
So how was your experience playing Dr. Mario within
these past 25 years? And do you say, “Cah-RIH-bee-in,” or “Cah-rih-BEE-in”?
*** Update: My mother and I finally played the 2-player mode recently. I've beaten her in every match, and probably lost one game to her. Heh heh heh. ^_^
*** Update: My mother and I finally played the 2-player mode recently. I've beaten her in every match, and probably lost one game to her. Heh heh heh. ^_^
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