Friday, May 19, 2017

My EGGSperience With... Two More Eggs

(Because this was supposed to come out today, anyway, I figured I'd post this one as a bonus.)

Anybody who knows me (or has read this blog long enough) knows that I am a big fan of Homestar Runner. I check up on their wiki pretty frequently. On the updates panel (a couple of years back), I found out a certain project they were working on with Disney XD.

I gotta say, it's really weird seeing Disney's Hancock on something done by the Brothers Chaps, but whatever. Like H*R, the series is made up of different universes. characters, and miniseries (e.g. Dooble, Eggpo, CGI Palz, etc.), with very little continuity and some universe-crossing. Each video is quite short (maybe 1-2 minutes per video, on average), which make this a perfect binge series. And guess what, y'all... we're going through them ALL!!!!!

Before I begin, I must take not of the comments section. Originally, comments were blocked, but once the floodgates opened, there were really only two kinds of comments, which I've made in this wonderful scientific chart.

You're welcome.

Ready? Let's begin! *deep inhale*

1. Dooble: Dooblie Doo
Very reminiscent of the early H*R short / song, "One, Two."
Also quite characteristic of classic of early Brothers Caps humor.

2. CGI Palz: Theme Song
OOF!!! Someone call Telltale Games! Their 3D's broke!
Seriously, this is great mockery of those CGI "kids' cartoons" that ought
To be rated "NC-17." You know what I mean?

3. Hot Dip: Not 4 Momz!
Ah, yes. If Larry Palaroncini were a food... there you go.
Also, Hayden's Math homework had me ROLLING.
Not that it takes much.

4. Dooble: Video Game
It's always nice to see the Bros. Chaps to make fun
of old video games. And of course, the wonderful,
wonderful, wonderful mother of all plot twists.

5. Eggpo: New Job
Another great old video game parody. Plus, knowing
the feeling of starting a new job. #Relatable.

6. Trauncles: Sharing
You know that old British-ish show that features few words
aside from that put-you-to-sleep soothing narrator and
random orchestral instruments voicing the characters,
both live-action and animated? That show that you're
still not entirely sure exists or not, so you scour all of
your social media accounts to see if anyone else
shared the same fever dream? *ahem*
Anyway, this is a great
parody of those shows.

7. Dooble: The Driver
Well, then. Dooble took a bit of a dark turn. Sorta, kinda.
No matter, it's still pretty funny. Plus, it did inspire me
to make a pretty sweet poster design.
(Please don't sue me, Bros. Chaps.)

8. Hector & Kovitch: Best Movie
Um, is Homestar Runner wearing a Hector costume
and just ad-libbing his lines? Also, who's the voice
of Kovitch? He's adorable.

9. Trauncles: Trousers
Long trousers, Trauncles, the longest trousers!
Everybody, everybody, longest trousers!
Long, long, long,
long, long, long

10. Dooble: Cake Show
Is it just me, or is Dooble harder to understand than
Homsar? That's saying a LOT, by the way.

11. Bad Snaxx: Breakfast
While I am TOTALLY feeling this sister on breakfast,
I think it's just easier to wake up early in the morning.
Also, the burger-coffee: slightly disgusting.

12. CGI Palz: Grossface

Oh, gosh, here we go again. Honestly, Rotisserie looks
better as a 2-D rendering. Not unlike a lot of modern
Disney princesses......

13. Hot Dip: Sitcom
I gotta wonder what's in this stuff. Wait, I did originally
 say "Larry Palaroncini as a food," right? Poor Brianca.

14. Trauncles: Sweethearts
You gotta feel badly for the people of Trauncles.
Moral: Never scorn the narrator.

15. Dooble: The Interview
Let's be honest: we all want our interviewers to be
as honest as Big Jim.

16. Eggpo: Waiting
Good thing 8-bit enemies aren't this intelligent.
The extra items (cards, water bottle) oddly sorta remind
me of the old game Gizmos and Gadgets.
(You're welcome.)

17. Trauncles: Beans
Jordy's dance, though....

18. Dooble: Peas and Corn
This is probably my favorite Dooble short. I wonder if he
learned from the Wagon Fulla Pancakes.

19. Hector & Kovitch: Buy This Game
Hey, there's a UK version as well? That's intere--
WHAAAT THE HECK??!!! Okay, that was
weird, even for the Bros. Chaps! Forget this,
I'll go with the USA Pfargtl spinoff. In fact,

20. Trauncles: Not Done
A little carried away......

21. Dooble: Newscarsting
I wish all news reports had a bit of these in each broadcast.
I mean brAOdcast.

22. Bad Snaxx: After School
Uhhh... just give me a Sblounskched.

23. Hot Dip: Learn to Talk
Hayden is getting talking advice from the "food" that...
come to think of it...
may be causing his speech issues in the first place.
We already know it's bad with your math skills.

24. Joshow Show: Tape and Staple T-Rex
Aaaaand this is what happens when an uninformed
GenXer tries to become a YouTube star. That intro
completely cracked me up the first time I heard it.

25. CGI Palz: Ry Raw

26. Eggpo: Mini-Boss
I guess that's one way to get a promotion.

27. Gankroar: Backyard
Expectation vs Reality... or Realty???

28. Dooble: Shark Baby
One, these doctors need their degrees revoked.
Two, am I the only one wondering what happened to
his other arm?

29. Hector & Kovitch: QblePon
Sure, these seem like ridiculous spinoffs of Pokémon,
but then again, they did make a Pokémon out of a

30. Hot Dip: Jamers
Hot dip is in hot water now..... And I'll never look
at it the same way ever again.

31. Eggpo: Joyride
THE EGGPO BRICK WALK??! If nobody does,
I have another design that could merit using.

32. Joshow Show: Crackergami
I'm fairly certain that Coach Z put on human hands gloves.
And I'm fairly certain that this is actually
HARDER than origami. Aaaand I actually have
more YouTube Subscribers than he does at this point.
You could help grow that number even more by
subscribing to my YouTube channel, Jessie Berrie!

33. Gankroar: Action Poses
Wow. Kinda puts my old Barbies to shame.

34. Dooble: Cutesycorns
Strangely, I would probably watch this kind of show.
And collect all of their animals.
Wait, is that Homsar's maternal Grandmother??!!

35. Trauncles: Ridonkles
Dagnabbit, America! Can we do anything normally?!

36. CGI Palz: Glitching Out
Strangely better than most no-budget CG films.

37. Eggpo: Instruction Book
I wish Qwirks had a wig mode.

38. Joshow Show: Drum Set
This is definitely Mary Palaroncini's Doppelganger!
...And a really impressive cheap drumset.

39. Parental Notice: Jamble Bears
What exactly is this show... oh.

40. Hector & Kovitch: Brown Boats
Nice of the Chapman Brothers to include their own
(accidental) meme in their new series!

41. Hot Diggity: Theme Song
Excuse me, I have some Bill Nye the Science Guy
to watch. The 90s version, not that Netflix version.

42. Hector & Kovitch: Zooms
I'm not sure what exactly kind of
ride this is, but I would ride it.

43. Dooble: She Whispered
Nice combination of live action and animation.
I could see Rhett & Link covering this.

44. Knight Bit: Dragon
Could this be... *gasp* a spin-off of Peasant's Quest???

45. New4Mobile: Commercial
This might be the most unique short for Bros. Chaps. animation.
Pretty cute, actually.

46. Trauncles: Gram Moody
This is not far from inaccurate. Except
for that pie thing, of course.

47. Francis Sweetmouth: Why Did You Take My Paste?
Fun song! Especially since it came from one arbitrary
line from a Dooble short. This little guy's taken lessons
from Tenerence Love. And yes, pause at 1:24-ish.

48. Dooble: Masks
Someone has to tell him how to use those masks...

49. CGI Palz: CG-ROM
This has a lower IQ than Barbie
games (not that they aren't cool and fun)...
Still better than JumpStart World.

50. Hector & Kovitch: Basknetball
How did they end up on the same team?

51. Poach & Scramble: Today's Special
This is some SWEET dance music. Glad to see these
two as more than just a promo.

52. New4Mobile: Customer Service
I'm pretty sure this was made more so for adults.
Still rather hilarious. Surprised they didn't
use the "Hold Music."

53. Trauncles: Opposites
The narrator seems broken.

54. Dooble: Renfrow
It's a battle of half-wits, and Dooble's met his Zax.
I mean, match.

55. Hot Dip: End Game
Why do I get the feeling a shark's been jumped?

56. Eggpo: Mobile App
This is pretty accurate mobile app conversion!

57. Qblepon: Original 90s
Yeah, it's exactly what you would think it would be.

58. New4Mobile: Dooble
Another battle of half-wits. This time, however,
Dooble comes out the victor.

59. Hector & Kovitch: School Lunches
I'm so glad I never went to public school.

60. Poach & Scramble: Challengers
It's an epic loss for our fave dancing eggs... until
they meet someone who can offer a little help.

61. Hot Diggity: Internet
This is the unit Strong Bad didn't cover.

62. Trauncles: Trauncles by You
This is a good representation of what some could possibly
say to kids when they show us their masterpieces...
If they weren't so nice.....

63. Sreet Road Junction: The Pilot
Now I know why Shining Time Station did trains.
Wish I could find an executive producer who could
turn my crummy idea into three seasons and a movie.

64. Eggpo: Speedrun
Basically, if PewDiePie were rated G.

65. World's Best: Tiny Pies
They're about as good pie bakers
as Dooble's a good Cake maker.

66. Joshow: Click on My Ads
Another line-turned song. So.... would you subscribe
to me if I made a crazy song like this?

67. Poach & Scramble: Egg Monster
Our two happy-feet eggs have tried to make a trio,
but could have made a deadly mistake.

68. Hot Diggity: Photosynthesis
Was this about plants or pizza?

69. TurchKid03: Oh My Word
Maybe I should've majored in video game playing.
I wonder how these chips would taste with Melonade.

70: CutesyCorns: The One Where...
TV Rule #1: He who spoils the episodes, jumps the shark.

71. Beef Stroganauts: Action Fill-gures
No. Thank. You. I'd prefer hotcake-smelling ones.

72. Street Road Junction: New Road
Oddly enough, this could work.

73. Dooble: Take a Right
Just remix this with One, Two, and you've got a jam!

74. CGI Palz: Bedtime
Moral of the story: ALWAYS RENDER

75. Dooble: Game Show
Does anybody else feel creeped out
after watching a Dooble video?

76. Grown Ups Made Up By Kids
I love kids, but thank goodness
kids don't make up adults....
in any medium!

77. Hot Dip: End Game Part II
Like I said, the shark was jumped. But there was so
much more to make up! Oh, well. It's a nice way to
end the series. Wait, what am I saying? Now I can wait
for more Homestar Runner!!!

*pant* *wheeze* *gasp* THAT HAS TO BE MY LONGEST POST YET.

Okay, in a nutshell, I really enjoyed this and the connection it has with Homestar Runner. I hope the two worlds can collide one day. Until then, I'll work bit-by-bit on a flash game that involves ripping off both characters.

Now, if you'll excuse me, my #Fridayly commitment must re-commence!!!!

Oh, yeah. The question. Uh....

What was your very first job? (Volunteering counts!)

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