Friday, July 14, 2017

My Experience With... Zootopia

Well, I'm on a roll here! This is the third movie post in a row that features (in my opinion), a fun family movie that's safe and challenging for all ages!

I saw all the trailers and promos for this and didn't really know what to make of it. I'm pretty sure I wanted to watch it, though. It looked really cute. It seemed like kind of a standard story: small town girl has big city dreams / cop movie. I actually was excited enough to spend $2 to rent this at my local library (mine does that for new releases).

Wow. I was SHOCKED at the material covered, plus how well it was covered.

Zootopia starts off with an elementary school play, where Judy Hopps (who is not at all voiced by Holly Robinson Peete) and a few of her friends put on a play about how in the city of Zootopia, all animals are equals, and any animal can do anything. Judy also expresses her dream of being a cop, despite the fact that the entire enforcement is made up of predators. The only problem for her is that she lives in a small town that still has a huge preditor/prey division. Judy grows up and eventually moves to Zootopia, and actually becomes the first Prey to be in the police force. However, she becomes a meter maid, which is nowhere near what her dreams were.

Through the movie you see Judy's progression as she learns about her job, solves a case with a fox renegade named Nick Wilde, climbs to a respectible position in the force, and learns about prejudice all along the way. Of course, everybody knows that one scene with the sloths:

The movie was excellent, and if you want to know more about what happens to Judy and Nick, I'd suggest that you watch it. What I especially love about it is that it has that small charm of being good for kids to watch while still being challenging for all ages.

I give it two paws up.

Okay! Here:

Plugging! YouTubePage

What's your fave animal?

Next week.... a movie that I like to call: Zootopian Idol! Can you guess what it is?

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